Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Buddha Jump Over the Wall
The dish has been regarded as a Chinese delicacy known for its rich taste, usage of various high-quality ingredients and special manner of cooking. The dish's name is an allusion to the dish's ability to entice the vegetarian monks from their temples to partake in the meat-based dish
There are many stories on the origin of the dish. Among them, a common story is about a scholar traveling by foot during the Qing Dynasty. While he traveled with his friends, the scholar preserved all his food for the journey in a clay jar used for holding wine. Whenever he had a meal, he warmed up the jar with the ingredients over an open fire. Once they arrived in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province, the scholar started cooking the dish. The smells spread over to a nearby Buddhist monastery where monks were meditating. Although monks are not allowed to eat meat, one of the monks who was tempted by the smell jumped over the wall to where the scholar gathered for cooking. A poet among the travelers said that even Buddha would jump the wall to eat the delicious dish
Betsy's recipe:
- not complete -
Nstll need to introduce the ingredients and write down the recipe...
Burgundy Braised Oxtail
2 750-ml. bottles of Burgundy (or other dry red wine)
12 large oxtail pieces (about 6 pounds total)
unsalted butter
Grapeseed or vegetable oil
5 shallots
5 garlic cloves
2 carrots
2 leeks (white parts only)
1 onion
2 celery ribs
3 fresh thyme sprigs
3 bay leaves
1 bunch parsley stems
1L of beef broth
maple syrup
It can go with roasted mini potatos, mashed potatoes or pasta
Preheat oven to 325°F.
In a deep heavy saucepan boil wine until reduced by half.
Trim oxtails and pat dry.
Season oxtails with salt and pepper. If you have time, I put them in a ziplock bag and let them marinade overnight.
In a deep pot over med-high heat, add grapeseed oil, place otails in one layer. When the oil is hot, brown all sides of oxtail side by side. Put these oxtail in a bowl. Brown remaining oxtails in same way.
Chop garlic, shallots, carrots, leeks, onion, and celery coarsly.
Add some butter or grapeseed oil to the pot and add the vegetables to the pot over med low heat. Cook and stir until they're softened.
Place oxtails over vegetables one layer over another in a tidy way.
Cover the oxtals with the herbs and reduced wine, a couple tsp of maple syrup, herbs, and broth
Cover, Boil and braise oxtails in med-low heat for about 3-4 hours until the meat is tender but not falling off the bone. Transfer oxtails to another plate and keep warm.
Sieve the braising liquid a couple times and then to a large saucepan and throw out the leftover. reduce the liquid until thick, shiny to about 1-2 cups
[optional: whisk in a tablespoon butter to give a creamy shiny look]
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Almond Tuile
Ingredients (About 30 pieces)
All purpose flour 20g
Sugar 50g
Melted butter 20g
Egg white 100g
Almond slices 140g
1 Mix the Flour, sugar, butter and egg white until all integrated, then stir in the almond.
2 Pour 1 teaspoon of almond batter onto the baking sheet (silicon). Press into circular shape. Try to avoid overlap of almond
3 Preheat oven to 140. Put the batter into the over for 10-12 minutes or until golden.
4 Scrape out the almond tuile while they are still hot. Place each of the tuile on a half-cyclindar for shaping.
Reference: Ricky Cheung (Next Media)
孤獨 vs 獨處 (Lonely vs Being Alone)
孤獨 vs 獨處 (Lonely vs Being alone)
沒有人喜歡孤獨,我只是喜歡獨處。 就算兩個人一起, 人也需要時間和空間獨處。 無論你想不想單獨, 你都是單獨的。 因為單獨是你的本質。 你可以試圖忘記這件事,借着交朋友找情人混在人群中, 這樣自己就不必一個人... 但是, 那只外表的動作,你內心的孤獨依舊深不可及。
人自出生在家庭之中, 他的身邊永遠有人。 單獨一人令他感到恐懼.... 一種莫名其妙的害怕。人並沒有意識到自己畏懼的是什麼, 只不過,當他離開眾人時, 內心就開始不安, 唯有和別人一起時才能覺得安逸舒適。於是,他永遠不懂得獨處。 恐懼使他沒有機會體驗那份獨處的美。 單獨是你的真實,單獨時的你才能體會你自己的'存在'。 唯有你能獨處,才能進而和別人相處。 為什麼?你不能獨處是因為你逃避自己。總之,可以讓你忘掉自己的,不論什麼辦法也可以。 一個連自己都不能面對自己的人如何愛? 你只是在 seek approval ,你在找別人証明自己的存在。
有沒有聽過希臘神話中 Narcissus 愛上了自己水中倒影的故事? 請看看當中的分別。 愛自己的人不會愛上自己的反射,他直接就能愛他自己 , 根本不需要鏡子, 他從內在己經肯定了自己。 對自己的愛是天經地義的事, 無関乎驕傲或自我,因為你不會和任何人做比較, 你就是你,如此而巳。 對自己的愛根本沒有比較這回事。 你需要別人證明你的存在嗎? 你需要別人讚美你才漂亮嗎?你需要別人認同你聰明你才聰明嗎?自信也好、 安全感也好、 全是自己給于自己的。如果你不知道如何放鬆地歇息在自己內在之中, 如果你不知道如何單獨一人而同時悠然自得感到幸福,那麼對不起,你永遠不會了解愛。愛必須是基於你自己的內在成長,這是你唯一的出路。
人生轉眼過,我們沒有足夠的時間可以成長、好好的生活。 朋友,不要再浪費你的生命,學習什麼叫自得其樂吧。
Source: 孤獨 vs 獨處
沒有人喜歡孤獨,我只是喜歡獨處。 就算兩個人一起, 人也需要時間和空間獨處。 無論你想不想單獨, 你都是單獨的。 因為單獨是你的本質。 你可以試圖忘記這件事,借着交朋友找情人混在人群中, 這樣自己就不必一個人... 但是, 那只外表的動作,你內心的孤獨依舊深不可及。
人自出生在家庭之中, 他的身邊永遠有人。 單獨一人令他感到恐懼.... 一種莫名其妙的害怕。人並沒有意識到自己畏懼的是什麼, 只不過,當他離開眾人時, 內心就開始不安, 唯有和別人一起時才能覺得安逸舒適。於是,他永遠不懂得獨處。 恐懼使他沒有機會體驗那份獨處的美。 單獨是你的真實,單獨時的你才能體會你自己的'存在'。 唯有你能獨處,才能進而和別人相處。 為什麼?你不能獨處是因為你逃避自己。總之,可以讓你忘掉自己的,不論什麼辦法也可以。 一個連自己都不能面對自己的人如何愛? 你只是在 seek approval ,你在找別人証明自己的存在。
有沒有聽過希臘神話中 Narcissus 愛上了自己水中倒影的故事? 請看看當中的分別。 愛自己的人不會愛上自己的反射,他直接就能愛他自己 , 根本不需要鏡子, 他從內在己經肯定了自己。 對自己的愛是天經地義的事, 無関乎驕傲或自我,因為你不會和任何人做比較, 你就是你,如此而巳。 對自己的愛根本沒有比較這回事。 你需要別人證明你的存在嗎? 你需要別人讚美你才漂亮嗎?你需要別人認同你聰明你才聰明嗎?自信也好、 安全感也好、 全是自己給于自己的。如果你不知道如何放鬆地歇息在自己內在之中, 如果你不知道如何單獨一人而同時悠然自得感到幸福,那麼對不起,你永遠不會了解愛。愛必須是基於你自己的內在成長,這是你唯一的出路。
人生轉眼過,我們沒有足夠的時間可以成長、好好的生活。 朋友,不要再浪費你的生命,學習什麼叫自得其樂吧。
Source 娜娜的文章
沒有人喜歡孤獨,我只是喜歡獨處。 就算兩個人一起, 人也需要時間和空間獨處。 無論你想不想單獨, 你都是單獨的。 因為單獨是你的本質。 你可以試圖忘記這件事,借着交朋友找情人混在人群中, 這樣自己就不必一個人... 但是, 那只外表的動作,你內心的孤獨依舊深不可及。
人自出生在家庭之中, 他的身邊永遠有人。 單獨一人令他感到恐懼.... 一種莫名其妙的害怕。人並沒有意識到自己畏懼的是什麼, 只不過,當他離開眾人時, 內心就開始不安, 唯有和別人一起時才能覺得安逸舒適。於是,他永遠不懂得獨處。 恐懼使他沒有機會體驗那份獨處的美。 單獨是你的真實,單獨時的你才能體會你自己的'存在'。 唯有你能獨處,才能進而和別人相處。 為什麼?你不能獨處是因為你逃避自己。總之,可以讓你忘掉自己的,不論什麼辦法也可以。 一個連自己都不能面對自己的人如何愛? 你只是在 seek approval ,你在找別人証明自己的存在。
有沒有聽過希臘神話中 Narcissus 愛上了自己水中倒影的故事? 請看看當中的分別。 愛自己的人不會愛上自己的反射,他直接就能愛他自己 , 根本不需要鏡子, 他從內在己經肯定了自己。 對自己的愛是天經地義的事, 無関乎驕傲或自我,因為你不會和任何人做比較, 你就是你,如此而巳。 對自己的愛根本沒有比較這回事。 你需要別人證明你的存在嗎? 你需要別人讚美你才漂亮嗎?你需要別人認同你聰明你才聰明嗎?自信也好、 安全感也好、 全是自己給于自己的。如果你不知道如何放鬆地歇息在自己內在之中, 如果你不知道如何單獨一人而同時悠然自得感到幸福,那麼對不起,你永遠不會了解愛。愛必須是基於你自己的內在成長,這是你唯一的出路。
人生轉眼過,我們沒有足夠的時間可以成長、好好的生活。 朋友,不要再浪費你的生命,學習什麼叫自得其樂吧。
Source: 孤獨 vs 獨處
沒有人喜歡孤獨,我只是喜歡獨處。 就算兩個人一起, 人也需要時間和空間獨處。 無論你想不想單獨, 你都是單獨的。 因為單獨是你的本質。 你可以試圖忘記這件事,借着交朋友找情人混在人群中, 這樣自己就不必一個人... 但是, 那只外表的動作,你內心的孤獨依舊深不可及。
人自出生在家庭之中, 他的身邊永遠有人。 單獨一人令他感到恐懼.... 一種莫名其妙的害怕。人並沒有意識到自己畏懼的是什麼, 只不過,當他離開眾人時, 內心就開始不安, 唯有和別人一起時才能覺得安逸舒適。於是,他永遠不懂得獨處。 恐懼使他沒有機會體驗那份獨處的美。 單獨是你的真實,單獨時的你才能體會你自己的'存在'。 唯有你能獨處,才能進而和別人相處。 為什麼?你不能獨處是因為你逃避自己。總之,可以讓你忘掉自己的,不論什麼辦法也可以。 一個連自己都不能面對自己的人如何愛? 你只是在 seek approval ,你在找別人証明自己的存在。
有沒有聽過希臘神話中 Narcissus 愛上了自己水中倒影的故事? 請看看當中的分別。 愛自己的人不會愛上自己的反射,他直接就能愛他自己 , 根本不需要鏡子, 他從內在己經肯定了自己。 對自己的愛是天經地義的事, 無関乎驕傲或自我,因為你不會和任何人做比較, 你就是你,如此而巳。 對自己的愛根本沒有比較這回事。 你需要別人證明你的存在嗎? 你需要別人讚美你才漂亮嗎?你需要別人認同你聰明你才聰明嗎?自信也好、 安全感也好、 全是自己給于自己的。如果你不知道如何放鬆地歇息在自己內在之中, 如果你不知道如何單獨一人而同時悠然自得感到幸福,那麼對不起,你永遠不會了解愛。愛必須是基於你自己的內在成長,這是你唯一的出路。
人生轉眼過,我們沒有足夠的時間可以成長、好好的生活。 朋友,不要再浪費你的生命,學習什麼叫自得其樂吧。
Source 娜娜的文章
Friday, April 9, 2010
Madeira Poached Pears
For Madeira Poached Pears you will need:
NOTE: I do the pear the day before, optional, but I like to give the pears more time to soak in the poaching syrup and chilled. If you have time, sprinkle some toasted almonds or pecan on top of the ice cream.
The Pears
6 Barlett pearrs ~~~ they should be quite firm, not over~ripe or they will dissolve when poached.
Pour ice cold water & squeeze 1/2-3/4 of lemon juice in a non~reactive mixing bowl (glass, ceramic, stainless)
Peel the pears.
Place the prepared pear into the cold lemon water, which will prevent them from discolouring. Let them sit in the lemon water while preparing the poaching solution
The Poaching Solution
3 cups of Madeira wine (Casa dos Vinhos - 5 years old, a lower priced madeira, good for cooking)2 Tbs lemon juice
3/4 cup granulated sugar/maple syrup (do not use confectioners sugar) - I used 1/4 maple syrup and 1/2 cup of granulated sweetener for baking.
I wrapped mulling spices from william soloman in cheeseclothes like a teabag -- cinnamon chips, orange rind, whole allspice, wholes cloves, cinnamon oil, orange oil -- or simple 1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder should work
A few drops of natural vanilla and/or caramel extract if you like (optional)
To a non~reactive saucepan (enamel, stainless, etc), add the wine, lemon juice, sugar and mulling spice/cinnamon.
Stir over medium heat until all are incorporated and then cover and bring to a low boil. Now add the pear (make sure the solution covers at least one side of the pear).
Allow the pear to simmer for about 15-30 minutes, turning with a slotted spoon.
The pears will become soft and fragile, be a little careful.
After about 15-30 minutes, remove from heat and allow the saucepan of pears to cool, covered. This resting time is actually important. The timing depends on how soft you like the pear to be and the size of the pear.
You can serve now or chill the pear in the solution in the fridge overnight for next day use. Some people don't like the pear chill, then serve on the same day.
While the pear are draining, boil down the Madeira syrup to reduce it's volume to about 1/2 or less. NOW..., everything can be set aside for later.
Spoon a puddle of the Madeira syrup.
Drip 1 Tsp of the syrup onto the cream (mascrophone or ice cream or whipped cream).
Friday, April 2, 2010
Citrus Marinated Salmon with Orange Confit
Inspired by Thomas Keller's French Laundry Cookbook
1 side salmon, skinned and boned
Citrus Marinade
finely zest of 1 orange, 1/2 lemon, 1/2 line, 1/2 grapefruit
1/3 cup of Hamalyian crystal pink salt
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp freshly grounded white pepper
Orange Confit
4 navel oranges
1/2 cup of Simple Syrup - 1/2 cup each of s ugar and water reduced to 3/4 cup of simple syrup
1/2 tsp white wine vinegar
Eating so many salmon these years, I actually got a little bored of it until I read Keller's receipe. The salmon is cured and flavoured with ground citrus zest.
1) Trim the salmon - trim the salmon of its thin fatty belly flap and cut off the last 2-3 inches of the tail end (reserve them for another use). Trim off any dark flesh.
2) Prepare the citrus marinage
- combine the marinade ingredients in a bowl, stirring with a fork to break up any clump
3) Sprinkle half of the marinade down the center of aluminium foil (longer than the fillet) and srread it into the shape of the fillet. Place the fillet on it and sprinkle the remaining marinade over the fish. Fold the foil into a pocket. place it on a baking sheet and weight it lightly in the fridge for 2-3 hours.
4) Remove the marinated fish from the foil, rinase of the marinade and dry the fillet thoroughly.
5) Cut it into pieces of 3" by 1" wide. Let the fish stand at room temperature for about 30 mins to an hour.
6) Pour enough olive oil to cover the fish in a pan. Heat the oil to 110F. Put the salmon pieces in the oil and heat them for about 10 mins. Maintain the oil at 110F by moving the pan on and off the heat as necessary. When the salmon is cooked, remove the fish from the pan and drain briefly on paper towels.
7) Peel the oranges including all the white pith and membrances. Bring the simple syrup and white wine vinegar to a boil. Pour over the orange segments and let cool to room temperature.
Keller's cookbook also has the pea shoot Coulis for this dish which I skipped. Instead of expensive caviar, I used the roe that usually use for California rolls.
8) Place warm orange sections side by side to form a rectangle in the center of each serving place, set the fish over than oranges and garnish with caviar. Dust each plate with a pinch of citrus powder.
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